Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é Master’s in Special Education with a Concentration in Bilingual Special Education
Program Highlights

30 credit hours | In-state tuition: $480.90/credit hour | Out-of-state tuition: $590.53/credit hour
- Available in an easily accessible 100% online format from UTEP’s College of Education
- Does not provide teaching certification but seeks to equip school professionals with the skills and knowledge necessary to become powerful advocates for bilingual students with disabilities, both within their local schools and beyond
- Affordable, with a focus on focus on evidence-based practices and leadership
- Includes student-driven projects based on areas of interest
- Boasts supportive, diverse faculty with expertise in bilingual special education
- Aligns with state and national standards for special and bilingual education
Students in this program, who currently work as educators may be eligible for TEACH grant funding (/student-affairs/financialaid/types-of-aid/grants.html)
Become a Powerful Advocate for Bilingual Students, Especially Those With Disabilities
Local school practitioners, as well as those across the nation are increasingly tasked with educating a growing number of emergent bilingual students with disabilities, despite having had limited training in this area during their teacher preparation. The Master’s in Bilingual Special Education helps address this gap. It provides a set of courses designed to integrate interdisciplinary scholarship from applied linguistics, special education, and bilingual education, thereby providing comprehensive and research-based instructional strategies and approaches. It also undertakes an equitable approach that recognizes the cultural and linguistic assets of emergent bilingual students and empowers teachers to work towards creating a more culturally and linguistically responsive and inclusive educational system that ensures the success of all students.
This degree is perfect for:
- Special education teachers
- General education teachers with an interest in supporting students with disabilities
- Individuals with disabilities interested in advocacy
- Bilingual or non-bilingual individuals interested in culturally responsive teaching
Help Meet the Need for Educators in a High-Demand Field
There is a high need for dually certified teachers in special education and bilingual education.
Students in this program will
- gain the tools to identify and address the unique challenges that culturally and linguistically diverse students may encounter in the classroom
- focus on treating bilingualism as an asset/strength
- help improve outcomes for students across the lifespan from early childhood to adulthood and lead the way for them to become leaders in their communities and engage in culturally responsive practices.
- Acquire skills in the following areas:
- Implementing curricula, lessons and assessments
- Collaborating with special educators, general educators, administrators, families and community agencies
- Leadership and advocacy
- Implementing research and professional development/training
Types of jobs students hold after graduation include:
- Special education teacher
- General education teacher
- Administrator
- Instructional Coach
- Community Leader
Course Overview
Coursework is unique and includes
- Practical assignments with applications to schools and community partnerships
- A mix of readings, videos, podcasts, and multi-media resources
- Engagement with classmates from diverse backgrounds, who speak a variety of languages, and who have experience engaging with students/families from diverse backgrounds
To earn an Master’s in Special Bilingual Education, you must successfully complete of 30 hours of required coursework with a grade of “C” or better.
Special Education Core Requirements
SPED 5320: Special Education Historical and Legal Basis
SPED 5321: Contemporary Trends in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Special Education
SPED 5337: Assessment: Disability and Cultural/Linguistic Factors
SPED 5361: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
EDPC 5310: Applied Research Design for Education
SPED 5378: Capstone in Special Education
The culminating experience of the program; develop a philosophy of teacher-leadership and develop a project in their local community or school to directly impact students, educational professionals, families, and/or community stakeholders. Earning a grade of "pass" in the capstone course is a degree requirement for graduation.
Bilingual Special Education Concentration
SPED 5322: Applications in Bilingual Special Education
SPED 5330: Early Childhood Bilingual Special Education
SPED 5347: Collaboration in Bilingual SPED
Electives (pick any one)
BED 5325: Assessing Bilingual Learners
BED 5334: Teaching Content and Literacy in Spanish
BED 5335: Dual Language Education
BED 5343: Content Area Instruction for Emergent Bilinguals